Updated Articles

  1. Pathful System Requirements

    This page provides a list of system requirements required for Pathful.
  2. Accessibility Options

    Pathful provides many accessibility options via UserWay.
  3. Creating Requests for Industry-Led Projects

    Step-by-step guidelines to request a mentor to support your students' Industry-led Projects. Student registration and hosting tips also shared.
  4. Create an Activity Report

    This article walks you through how to create an activity report and save it.
  5. Create a Status Report

    This article explains how to generate and save a status report.
  6. Pathful Domains for IT to Whitelist

    What sites does my school need to whitelist for a smooth connection to Pathful?
  7. Export a FlexLesson

    How to print a FlexLesson
  8. Clone a FlexLesson

    How to copy a FlexLesson so you can edit
  9. Edit a Built-In FlexLesson

    How to edit a FlexLesson that has already been created.
  10. Create an Assignment

    Create assignments for your users where you control start and end dates, add and remove users, and grade submitted assignments.