Creating Requests for Industry-Led Projects

This article covers the steps to create a session request as part of your students’ Industry-Led Project so that a professional can mentor your students.

We recommend you request a live presenter for mentorship feedback before or after students are ready to deliver their official presentation. 

In addition, this article contains student registration, steps to join the live session on the day of the connection and hosting tips. 

Important Notes:

  • Similar to having a live guest visit your classroom, you are the host for this connection. Please see the tips for hosting at the end of this article. 

  • Please allow 2-3 weeks lead time for the request.

  • Create the sessions for a minimum of 3 students.

  • Provide a description of the students’ projects and title the session accordingly. See guidelines for your session submission below.

Session Submission

  1. From the Work-based Learning menu, select Request.

  2. Choose a Session Type, select Project mentoring & feedback.

  3. Select Continue.

  4. Provide the Session details.

    1. Title (See Options)

      1. Industry-Led Project #1- Feedback for [NAME OF PROJECT]

      2. Industry-Led Project #2- Feedback for [NAME OF PROJECT]

      3. Industry-Led Project Final- Student Presentations for [NAME OF PROJECT]

    2. Subject area(s) (Choose all relevant to Project topic)

    3. Grade level(s)

    4. Description

This session will be an opportunity for students to meet with and introduce their project to their mentor. 

The student will be prepared to lead the conversation and:

      • Introduce themselves

      • Introduce their project

      • Share the problem they have to solve

      • Ask the mentor relevant questions to support their goal

The mentor is expected to review the tasks and expectations of the project with the student, in order to build a relationship and better understand their project goal.

The session will have [NUMBER OF GROUPS]. We ask for the mentor to meet with each group for [# of MINUTES PER GROUP] minutes.

  1. Select Continue.

  2. Schedule
    a. Select the Session length.
    Note: For a minimum of 3 student groups, a 30-50 minute length session is best.

    b. Select multiple date and time preferences.
    Note: Your selection defaults to a date at least two weeks from today. You cannot select a date sooner than two weeks.

    If possible, add multiple date options for flexibility with the presenters' schedules. 

c. Indicate the number of expected attendees. (The minimum is 3)

d. The sessions should be Private - for you and your students only. Select No, other educators cannot join this session.

Note: If students are presenting final presentations and you do want other educators to join, you can change your preference here accordingly.

  1. Select Continue

  2. Finalize & Submit

    a. Add any additional information that will help our team understand your needs. (Be as specific here as possible)

    b. Agree to the Terms & Conditions

  3. Select Save as Draft if you need more time to edit your request.

  4. Select Submit Session Request to send your request to Pathful.

Once your session request is sent to Pathful AND confirmed with a Presenter, your students can register. Students must register for the session in order to join the session on the day selected.

Student Registration

  1. The Educator will share the link to the session with students. 

  2. Once the session is shared, students will go to the link, login, and select, Register.

  1. The student is now registered for the session and it will appear on their Dashboard in My Sessions.

Joining Live Session (Day of)

  1. Log into your Pathful account.

  2. On the Dashboard will be the upcoming session.

  3. Select, Join live session.

  1. You will be directed to the session page, select Join live session again. This will open the Zoom meeting.

Educator Hosting Tips: 

1. Join your session a few minutes early. 

2. Check your Zoom settings and turn on Closed Captioning (if needed) and set the chat to "Host and Co-Hosts" The presenter is already a Co-Host so he or she can share screen.

3. Your students may be in the waiting room and you can admit them to the meeting.

4. Once everyone is in and settled, welcome the mentor, introduce yourself as educator/host, and share house rules (i.e. how to ask a question, expecting students to engage, etc.) 

5. During the session, you may need to:

  • Monitor questions in the chat

  • Mute any noisy participants

  • Rotate groups of students

  • Keep track of time 

6. Once the students and mentor are done, the hosting teacher will end the session by thanking the mentor and (if applicable) informing of next steps.