Professional Vetting Process

Professional Vetting Process

At Pathful, ensuring student safety and security is our top priority as a 100% virtual platform. We have policies and vetting processes to maintain high standards for all participating professionals.

Background Checks

Pathful partners with Checkr, a third-party verification service, to provide the data Pathful needs to grant (or deny) professional access to live Pathful sessions. Each individual is checked against the National Sex Offender Database, Global Watchlist, and National Criminal Database.

We don’t collect or store background check data; we only receive confirmation of clearance and the completion date.

Third-Party Verification

If the professional has already completed a background check through their employer or a non-profit and does not want to be verified through Checkr, a representative from that organization can verify their active status and provide a statement about their background check policy.

Pathful Industry Partners

Organizations that have formally partnered with Pathful to enhance their community engagement are responsible for conducting background checks they recruit. 

Web Presence Search

We always conduct a web presence search for all presenters regardless of Pathful’s relationship to their organization.  We know that teachers and students may look up information about professionals online. To ensure their online content is appropriate for a school setting, we conduct a Web Presence Search to identify and avoid inappropriate content.

Presenter Preparation

Before the professional’s first live connection with students, we require a short preparation session to review our privacy policies, ensure their content and delivery are appropriate for the age group, and answer questions.