Popular Articles

  1. Locate a Career Video

    Find a career and watch a job shadowing video.
  2. Register to Join an Upcoming WBL Session

    Sign up for a WBL session live or get the recording.
  3. Edit a User's Information

    You can edit information about a user as needed. This includes Name, Username, Password, License, Role, Grade, and more.
  4. Overview Page

    This article explains how to locate My Data and apply filters.
  5. Favorite a Career

    Find interesting careers and add them to your favorites.
  6. Grade an Assignment

    Locate and grade assignments that students have completed.
  7. Search for Employability Lessons

    Locate, start, or continue Employability-related lessons.
  8. Delete a User

    A step-by-step guide for removing a student who is no longer on your license or using the Pathful product.
  9. Closed Captions for Career Videos

    Use closed captions to understand job shadowing and employability videos better.
  10. Watch Employability Videos

    Use filters to find helpful videos related to important work and life skills.