Popular Articles

  1. Resume and Cover Letter Examples

    Student examples 7th Grade Resume Cover Letter Job Application Thank You Letter 9th Grade Resume Cover Letter Job Application Thank You Letter 11th Grade Resume Cover Letter Job Application ...
  2. Log-In Process

    A step-by-step guide for how to log in to Pathful.
  3. Complete the Interest Survey

    Learn about the Interest survey and how to complete it.
  4. Assessments Overview

    Learn about each of the surveys available in Pathful.
  5. Create a Resume

    Use this tool to create a professional resume.
  6. Create WBL Session(s) for Your Students

    A step-by-step guide for requesting a WBL session and tips for hosting your virtual guest speaker.
  7. Pathful System Requirements

    This page provides a list of system requirements required for Pathful.
  8. Complete an Assignment

    Locate, complete, and submit an assignment.
  9. Create an Assignment

    Create assignments for your users where you control start and end dates, add and remove users, and grade submitted assignments.
  10. Add a User

    Learn how to add new users to your license.