Classroom Set Up for Live Connections

Here are some tips for configuring your classroom to have a great live experience between your class and the presenter.

If you need help with your Zoom setup, please see this article

1. Microphone: Most computer microphones are not made to pick up sounds across the classroom.  Be prepared to tell your students to come up to the microphone (computer) to ask verbal questions if necessary.   Another option is to gather your students near the microphone area.


2. Speakers: Make sure that students can hear the presenter.  If your computer sound cannot be heard by all students, work with your IT department to obtain some external speakers.


3. Display: You want to display the computer screen to ensure everyone can easily see it.  If there is not a convenient location, you may want to move tables and chairs temporarily for the session.


4. Web Cam: You will want to make sure the webcam is facing the students.  The presenter will want to see your students and get verbal and visual feedback as they are presenting.

If your computer is fixed to the back of the classroom (and therefore, the webcam is fixed to the back of the classroom), feel free to use a student computer or even a personal computer so that it can be positioned in front of the class.  If the camera is external but the computer is fixed, consider getting an extension for the cable.

This may seem minor (front of class vs. back of the class) but the location changes the dynamics greatly.


5. Test: If you would like to test your classroom configuration with our support team, please reach out to